Who cares about the environment?

Who Cares about the Environment? is social research conducted every three years since 1994 by the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water. The most recent report was published in 2006 with another due out this year. The research measures environmental knowledge, views, attitudes and behaviour of people across NSW.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the 2006 findings:

  • People value the environment highly as part of their lives and almost 90% are concerned about environmental issues.
  • Water related issues were the top environmental issues for the people of NSW in 2006, nominated by almost three times more people than any other issue.
  • Climate change and energy issues are growing rapidly in importance.
  • Environmental knowledge and understanding has grown markedly since the first survey in 1994.
  • Most people are taking a range of actions to contribute to the protection and improvement of the environment – 71% say they often do at least five out of ten things asked in the survey.
  • There is strong support for government action and regulation to protect and improve the environment.

What do people care about the most?

You can read more in the report summary.

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